Violin Hero Replays & Resources
Welcome to Violin Hero!
- Join us on zoom each day:
- Zoom link:
- Meeting ID: 852 3915 0425
- Password: hero!
Day 1:
Live call Thursday, September 19, 1-2pm PT/4-5pm ET
Day 1 Homework: Mark your copy with shapes/character in whatever fashion makes best sense to you: Tabuteau, hairpin marks, keywords. Post in community.
Day 2:
Live call Friday, September 20, 1-2pm PT/4-5pm ET
Day 2 Homework: Identify up to 3 foundational skills that need strengthening, and spend 5 minutes on each one using mentioned studies.
Day 3:
Live call Saturday, September 21, 11am-12pm PT/2-3pm ET
Day 3 Homework: Using the tools and techniques we’ve explored these last three days, go ahead and mark your part! Try out a few options and see what fits your hands best.