Thanks for becoming a Daily Virtuoso!

Thank you for joining the world’s finest repertoire-based community of violinists.

Together, we can make sure that you not only learn and refine great repertoire, but that you make powerful discoveries along the way. It’s these revelations that advance you as an artist, and carry through to every piece you’ll play.

Please check your email, not only for proof of your order, but for the most timely information about this quarter’s program.

Then click below to start the course! I suggest that you begin with the handbook, as it’s key to helping you get the most out of Daily Virtuoso. Then you may wish to browse the Virtuoso Vault… or just jump into one of your favorite pieces from the library. It’s all here:

Daily Virtuoso

Make sure to join the Daily Virtuoso community on Discord as well. That’s how you’ll get to know your fellow Virtuosi, share wins, and get encouragement.

If You’re Making Any Of These 8 Mistakes In The Practice Room

(and everyone I’ve worked with makes at least 1) you’re holding yourself back! Get back on track today:
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